Star Lore Publishing is a creation by André Consciência and Victoria Sulayman. Writers and practitioners of the esoteric sciences, it is their delight to deliver magic and art to you through Star Lore Publishing. Our specialty is magical fiction and occult books of time past.

We welcome final draft submissions of magical fiction to consider for publication. Please contact us at

About Us


    André lives in Moita, Portugal and has been a dedicated practitioner of magic and mysticism for more than two decades. Aside from his magical path, Andre is an accomplished author, poet, playwright, musician and founder of a Theater Company – CIA Mefisteatro. In addition to his Neoplatonic approach to poetry, fiction, music and theatre, he has been a member of various magical orders. André Consciência is president at 3 cultural associations and worked for years as a content writer and ghostwriter.


    Victoria lives in California, USA and has been a practitioner of magic, metaphysics and mysticism for over two decades in the Eastern and Western traditions. A lifelong writer, she’s self-published poetry, short stories and articles under noms du plume. Her personal interests include exploring states of consciousness, internal alchemy, Hermetics and the practice of mindfulness.